2013 Dewitt County Community Vitals
Population VitalsThe population in Dewitt County is estimated to change from 20,097 to 20,433, resulting in a growth of 1.7% between 2010 and the current year. Over the next five years, the population is projected to grow by 4.3%.
The population in the United States is estimated to change from 308,745,538 to 314,861,807, resulting in a growth of 2.0% between 2010 and the current year. Over the next five years, the population is projected to grow by 3.3%. The current year median age for this area is 42.6, while the average age is 41.7. Five years from now, the median age is projected to be 42.0. The current year median age for the United States is 37.5, while the average age is 38.3. Five years from now, the median age is projected to be 38.3. Of this area's current year estimated population:
Of the United States's current year estimated population:
This area's current estimated Hispanic or Latino population is 33.5%, while the United States current estimated Hispanic or Latino population is 17.3%. Educational Attainment
Currently, it is estimated that 3.3% of the population age 25 and over in this area had earned a Master's Degree, 1.2% had earned a Professional School Degree, 0.4% had earned a Doctorate Degree and 6.9% had earned a Bachelor's Degree. In comparison, for the United States, it is estimated that for the population over age 25, 7.3% had earned a Master's Degree, 1.9% had earned a Professional School Degree, 1.2% had earned a Doctorate Degree and 17.7% had earned a Bachelor's Degree. |
Employment & Income Vitals
For Dewitt County 95.1% of the labor force is estimated to be employed for the current year. The employment status of the population age 16 and over is as follows:
By comparison, for the United States, 90.1% of the labor force is estimated to be employed for the current year. The occupational classifications for Dewitt County are as follows:
For the civilian employed population age 16 and over in this area, it is estimated that they are employed in the following occupational categories:
The average household income is estimated to be $55,840 for the current year, while the average household income for the United States is estimated to be $69,637 for the same time frame. The average household income in this area is projected to change over the next five years, from $55,840 to $58,369. The average household income in the United States is projected to change over the next five years, from $69,637 to $71,917. |